Thursday 16 June 2011


So, over the past week I've added:
  • Scrolling the view when you get to the edge of it (allowing maps larger than the view area)
  • Objects that can be used to block movement
  • Objects that can be used as triggers (both on move over and attempt to move into when the space is blocked)
  • Triggers teleporting the player to other locations and other maps
  • Triggers changing the type of a tile (how it looks and whether it blocks movement)
  • Triggers displaying a message to the player
  • Multistate objects (different states have different behaviours)
  • Triggers changing the global state
  • Objects that are enemies
  • Both the player and enemies having health, hit chance and damage done
  • Displaying the health of the player and enemies in a health bar
  • Simple Combat of the player moving into the space occupied by an enemy
  • Displaying the results of combat as a message
  • Enemy movement
  • Enemy death
  • Player death resetting the game
  • Triggering a state change on enemy death

Edit: It appears that when viewed in the blog roll, my previous test overrides this one. I was kind of expecting something like this to happen, but the preview didn't let me test it. So, while I figure out how to fix this problem, if you want to try the new version, open this post in its own window.

Edit 2: After playing around for a bit, I got the correct display working, but the input was all being grabbed by the previous test. Then I discovered jump breaks. Horay for forcing the user to make an extra interaction before they can view the content!

And here it is:
No canvas support. Try with a different browser. I used Chrome for development.

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